Fly, Fly Away

This has been one of those weeks where the clothes in my suitcase got dumped into the laundry machines and then went straight back into my suitcase. That was followed by a full day at work, rush hour traffic to the airport, and more than 3 hours in flight delays.

So, while there are lots more pictures from India to share, for now I’ll leave you with these baby birds. They didn’t seem to be having much luck flying either.


Taking in Goa, India


One of the great dichotomies of India is the apparent mixing–yet dissociation–of social classes. It’s an ironic sight when beautiful, well-maintained Portuguese mansions (above) and small shacks (below) are neighbors.


As I witnessed it, the living situation is very intermingled, with hovels situated in whatever small space is to be found between larger houses and complexes. One of our drivers explained that in a way this is made possible by the caste system, which is very ingrained in Indian culture. Even with people of different castes living so close together, everyone knows their place in society and so maintains a social distance. It was surprising to me as an American, where class-segregated neighborhoods are the norm.

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