Ice cores and SoCal beaches

Last week I spent a few days in La Jolla, CA near San Diego. I had never been to San Diego before July and now I’ve been twice in only a few months!


I was there for another conference, but this time all about an ice core in West Antarctica that was completed last year. The meeting was the first to talk about science related to the ice core data they collected.

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Texas is a state of mind

It’s also a place and Brian and I spent the rest of the weekend exploring some things Austin has to offer.


After we got the country-living out of our system at the demolition derby, Brian and I decided to class things up a bit. We started Sunday morning with brunch at Fonda San Miguel.
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Demolition Derby

Brian came to Austin to visit a few weeks ago! It had been more than a year since he was in Texas, so we didn’t waste much time getting right into the country spirit. This trip, that meant a demolition derby.


In case you weren’t aware, a demolition derby is an event where people fix up old cars to make them more structurally stable and then slam them into each other until only one is left running. But don’t worry, the drivers wear helmets.

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Longyearbyen, Svalbard

On the last day of the trip, we pulled back into port in Longyearbyen early in the day. We spent an hour or two at UNIS, the University Centre in Svalbard. Several groups presented their final projects from the week and we also heard a few of the UNIS faculty members talk about UNIS and their research. Following the presentations, we took a mini field trip to the UNIS carbon dioxide sequestration site.

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